Pobeda - The fruits ripen in the second 10 days of June several days before Bing. They are broadcordate, dark-red, averaging 6,1 g. The flesh is dark- red, firm, crispy and sweetacid. Fruits are suitable for mechanized picking, but they are susceptibility to cracking. Pobeda flowers in early mid season, bearing regular and heavy crops. It is susceptible to late spring frost. Burlat and Moreau are good pollinizers.
Cherna Konyavska - The fruits are broadcordate, dark-red, averaging 6,3 g. It ripens of the second ten days to third decade of June, together with Bing. They are suitable for processing. The flesh is red colored, crispy and juicy, sweet-acid with good taste. The blooming time is early. The tree is productive.Van and Stella are good pollinizers.
Kyustendilska chrustyalka - The fruits ripen in second ten days in June, several days before Bing. They are cordate, lustros, with nice dark-red colour, avaraging 6,4 g. The flesh is firm, pink-red colored, juicy, sweet-acid with very good taste. The blooming time is early. It is susceptibility to late spring frost, but with very good winter resistance. The productivity is very good.
Bulgarian bigarreau -The fruits are large / 7,2 g /, broad heart shaped, dark-red, beautiful, bigarreau tipe and having very high taste quality. When shaken down the branches are easily of fruit stem without damaging the skin and flesh and separating juice whatsoever. Fruit mature in the third decade of June up to the first ten days of July and resistans to handling, transportation and storage. The cultivar is also suitable for high-quality compotes. The cultivar has high resistance to winter colds and late spring frost and very good productivity. Lambert is good pollinizer.
Mizia - The fruits are large 7,2 g, cordate, attractivedark-red, bigarreau tipe, crispy, high taste quality. It ripens in first ten days of July, several days before Lambert. The stone is medium, the juice is colored and the fruit stem is medium. The fruits have good resistance to manipulation and transport and they are suitable for mechanized picking. The blooming time is late. “Star” is good pollinizer. The cultivar has high resistans to winter colds and late spring frost. The tree is medium rigorous and heavy cropping.
Danelia - The fruits are large 7,1 g, beautiful cordate form, dark-mahogany red colour, attractive, bigarreau tipe, crispy. It ripens about ten days before Bing. The fruit flesh is pink-red colored, juisy, sweet-acid with very high taste quality. The blooming period is nearly late- about 3-5 days after Bing. Stella is a good pollinizer. The cultivar has high resistance to winter cold and late spring frost. The tree is with medium vigour, upright-spreading and high productive. The fruits have better resistance of cracking in comparison to Bing and Stella.
Stefania - The fruits are large 8,3 g , broad cordate, dark-red mahogany, bigarreau tipe and very high taste quality. The fruit stem is long and easily separated from flesh without damaging the skin and flesh and separating juice what so ever. The fruit ripens at the end of June, several days after Bing. The blooming time is late. Drogan`s yellow is a good pollinizer. The cultivar has high resistans to winter cold and late spring frost and high productivity.